Reduce Your Healthcare Expenses

by Roberta Carson, Zaggo, on April 2, 2018

Are you worried about how much you are spending on medical care? Are you worried what medical bills you might receive in the future? You’re not alone, Medical bills have frequently been cited as the number one reason for personal bankruptcy in the US. What can you do to reduce your healthcare expenses? Although there are many ways to save money, this blog posts focuses on how to avoid overpaying for medication and services, and how to save money on medical equipment.

Roberta Carson

Roberta Carson

Founder and President of Zaggo, Inc.

Roberta Carson started Zaggo, a non-profit organization, to help patients and family caregivers manage illnesses and injuries, after her experience as caregiver for her teenage son Zachary during his 27-month battle with terminal brain cancer. Zaggo’s mission is to provide patients and families with the educational information, tools, and resources they need to become empowered, engaged, effective members of their medical teams for the best possible care.